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To use arcos4py in a project

import arcos4py

Basic usage example of the main module

To use the main class, generate a new class instance of ARCOS

from arcos4py import ARCOS
ts = ARCOS(data,["x, y"], 't', 'id', 'm', 'clTrackID')
Data has to be a time-series provided as a pandas DataFrame in the long format, containing at least a measurement column, a frame/index column, and an id column.

t x y m id Position
0 1 0.228724716134052 -0.158939933368972 0 1 0
1 1 0.880322831777765 -0.117711550077457 0 2 0
2 1 1.93057074895645 0.0786037381335957 0 3 0
3 1 2.95877070488632 0.189801493820322 0 4 0
4 1 3.90293266588805 -0.0413798066471996 0 5 0
.. . ............... ................. . .. .

Prepare the input data.

interpolate Measurments

If the measurement column contains missing values, run interpolate_measurements() first.

Clip measurement to provided quantile range

Clipping can be performed to remove extreme outliers from the dataset, but it is not necessary.

ts.clip_meas(clip_low: = 0.001, clip_high=0.999)
Rescale and Binarize the measurement

Rescaling and detrending are optional for the algorithm to work but recommended. There are three options available: ['none', 'lm', 'runmed']. Rumned is the default.

However, ARCOS requires binarized data to detect and track collective event clusters. Binarization is done by setting a threshold (binThr) and defining measurements below this threshold as 0 and above as 1.

ts.bin_measurements(smoothK: int = 1, biasK = 1, peakThr = 1,binThr = 1, polyDeg = 1, biasMet = "runmed",)

Detect collective events

events_df = ts.trackCollev(eps = 1, minClsz = 1, nPrev = 1)
t id x y clTrackID m Position
0 2 41 4.15698907764003 3.91461390425413 1 1 0
1 3 32 3.89042167730585 2.98886585399189 1 1 0
2 3 40 3.08624924975602 4.193936843095 1 1 0
3 3 41 3.99750905085216 3.9553900675078 1 1 0
4 3 42 5.06006349489829 4.0631364410516 1 1 0
.. . .. ... .. . . .

TrackCollev returns a pandas DataFrame object containing a column with the collecive event id.

Perform calculations without main class

All functions from the ARCOS class are also accessible individually through the tools module, such as:

from import trackCollev

Additional modules

In addition to the ARCOS algorithm and its helper classes, plots are generated with the plotting module, collective event statistics using the stats module. Please see the Modules Page for further details.